Tag: raspberrypi

Orange Radio Upgrade2

Introduction The Orange Radio is a project I made from an Orange Miniamp (Have a look to the Project page) A new Spotifyd release (0.3.4) implemented more mpris features, allowing...


Introduction This is a script I made to turn the Pimoroni Unicorn Phat to an Ambient Light for the Raspberry Pi. Basically, the script takes a screenshot with raspi2png Link, ...


Introduction How to create a squid/privoxy/tor configuration to enhance the web browsing experience. This setup is made of several components: FireHOL is a Linux Firewall Confi...

Orange Radio Upgrade

Introduction The Orange Radio is a project I made from an Orange Miniamp (Have a look to the Project page) I decided to rework the project: I used Volumio for a long time,...

Orange Radio

Introduction The Orange Radio is a Raspberry Pi Radio made from an Orange Miniamp For this project, I chose the Orange CR6S Amp for the enclosure, this amp is quite cheap and ha...

Run as a Service

Introduction How to run a script or executable file as a service First, create a service unit by creating this file : /lib/systemd/system/xxx.service (Most of OS) Then, enable t...

PreConfigure SDCard

Introduction Preconfigure SD Card for Raspbian Once the OS (Raspbian) has been flashed onto the SD card, To enable SSH access, create an empty file called “ssh” and put it on th...

Piglow Temp Checker

Introduction This is a little script I made to check Raspberry Pi’s Temperature with Pimoroni’s Piglow. Temperature is checked every 60 seconds via : /sys/class/thermal/thermal_z...