Hi, I'm PaulFinch

[ System Engineer ] && [ Time Traveller ]

Building Stuff Since [1983]

Latest Posts

Orange Radio Upgrade2

Introduction The Orange Radio is a project I made from an Orange Miniamp (Have a look to the Project page) A new Spotifyd release (0.3.4) implemented more mpris features, allowing...

Bike Speedometer

Introduction This Bike Speedometer tracks my cycling activies. It was made from a Arduino Esplora. Details The Arduino Esplora is connected to the bike sensor (Hall eff...

Telegram Bot

Introduction This is a script I made to create a Telegram Bot. This one gives random text or random picture on demand. The telegram-bot Library is required, install it first (I re...


Introduction This is a script I made to turn the Pimoroni Unicorn Phat to an Ambient Light for the Raspberry Pi. Basically, the script takes a screenshot with raspi2png Link, ...


Introduction How to create a squid/privoxy/tor configuration to enhance the web browsing experience. This setup is made of several components: FireHOL is a Linux Firewall Confi...