Telegram Bot


This is a script I made to create a Telegram Bot. This one gives random text or random picture on demand.

The telegram-bot Library is required, install it first (I recommand using virtualenv):

pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade

Create the Bot

There’s a bot dedicated to create new bots. Just talk to BotFather and ask him to create a Bot: /newbot Follow the few next steps, once you’ve created the Bot you’ll receive your authorization TOKEN.

You also need to configure the Bot commands:

  • /send_text
  • /send_picture
  • /ping

Configure the Script

  • Replace YOUR_BOT_TOKEN with the Authorization token provided by the BotFather.
  • Create directory /Resources/Texts/ with various text files.
  • Create directory /Resources/Photos/ folder with various pictures.
  • Create directory /Resources/Memes/ folder with various memes.

Memes files are regex compatible, example:

apple.jpg               will match apple
ho+u+se.jpg             will match house, houuuuuuuuse and hooooooouse
h(a|o)t.jpg             will match hat or hot

Run the Script

Run the script :


In Telegram, talk to the Bot or invite him in a chat room, the Bot will respond to these key commands :

  • /send_text
  • /send_picture
  • /ping

The Bot will also post a Meme when a Meme file is matched with a conversation word.

Run as a Service

To run this script as a service, check Resource : Run_as_a_Service


see files here